Justin Brunson's Cheese Steak

Everyone has their own specific favorite cheese steak. Well, if you love cheese steak that is. But it's the sort of thing you eat out at a spot rather than making it at home. But it's pretty easy to make at home -- and really worth it. Here's our friend chef Justin Brunson's version, which he makes at Masterpiece Deli in Denver, Colorado. Yes, we realize Denver isn't Philly, home of the cheese steak. But you're just going to have to trust us on this one. Try the recipe.

Justin Brunson's Cheese Steak aka Braised Beef Sandwich

Brisket or chuck roast (we like brisket for the fat)

1/4 cup dried rosemary
1/4 cup mustard powder
1/4 cup black pepper
1/4 cup garlic powder
1/4 cup kosher salt

Rub the meat until lightly coated. Sear it on your grill for a few minutes on each side at 400 F degrees. Pull the meat off the grill and let it cool enough to handle. Wrap it once in plastic then twice in foil place, and place it in a roasting pan to catch the drippings. Put the meat in your oven at 250 F degrees for about an hour per pound until the internal temp is 190 F degrees. That way it is nice and tender. Set the meat aside.

Cheese Sauce
2 cups heavy whipping cream
4 oz (ish) taleggio1 shallot sliced
pinch of salt and pepper

Place cream, shallot, salt, and pepper in a sauce pan. Bring the mixture to a boil on high heat, then turn the heat down to medium for a couple of minutes to reduce. Turn off the heat, place the mixture plus the taleggio into a blender, and blend until smooth.

Building the Sandwich
In a saucepan, place desired amount of meat and cheese sauce. We suggest 5 oz meat and 2 oz of cheese sauce. Mix it together so it's nice and creamy. Get a nice crunchy baguette and slice it open. Squirt some red wine vinegar on the top of the baguette. Place the cheesy brisket on the bottom baguette. We like to put arugula dressed in olive oil, salt, and ground black pepper on there as well.


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