How to Cook Sausage and Meatballs
If you're curious about how to cook our sausage (including breakfast sausage) and meatballs, here's our simple preferred method for great results. Enjoy!
Finger Foods for a Party
If you’re hosting a party, finger foods are just the thing to eat with bubbles or cocktails or anything in between. Call them appetizers or tapas, call them hors d'oeuvres or nibbles, call them whatever you want -- here are a bunch of ideas for small, festive, and meaty bites.
An Ode to Meatball Sandwiches
Meatballs are a thing of beauty, especially in a sandwich. Make your own or use our meatballs to make a wedge, hoagie, sub, grinder, or whatever you want to call it!
Quick and Easy Lamb Meatballs
Anyone who visits the Applestones at home regularly has likely had Jessica's quick and easy lamb meatballs at least once. Here's how to make them.